Favorite GFree/Allergy Friendly SItes

We realize there is a TON of information to be found on-line and we just wanted to share with you a few which we have found very helpful for those who are on restrictive diets due to health conditions. We want you to know there are many healthful alternatives and others who are successful at "letting food be their medicine, and medicine be their food." Hippocrates

Barefoot and Frolicking (Raw & Gluten Free)
 Affairs of Living (free of most allergens, Gluten Free, some ACD-friendly)
Allergy Free and Gluten Free (with some ACD recipes)
The Allergic Kid (no eggs, nuts, dairy, red meat)
Allergy Sense (general–allergies)
Beaglebea’s Blog (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)
Becoming Whole (macrobiotic)
Book of Yum (Gluten Free)
But What Should I Eat? (gluten free and multiple allergies)
Can’t Do Candida (Anti-Candida)
Charivari Life (Gluten Free)
Cook It Allergy Free (a variety of food allergies)
Crazy, Coco and Nuts (a variety of food allergies)
The Crispy Cook (gluten free)
The Frugally Rich Life (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)
G-Free Mom (Gluten Free)
Ginger Lemon Girl (Gluten Free)
Glow (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, free of many allergens)
Gluten Free Edge (Gluten Free, Soy Free)
Gluten Free Find (general resource for all things gluten-free!)
Gluten Girl in Austen (dining options that are Gluten Free)
The Gluti Girls (Gluten Free)
Go Dairy Free (a great resource!)
Gluten Free Goddess (Gluten Free)
Healthy Indulgences (Gluten Free, Sugar Free)
Jenn Cuisine (Gluten Free)
Just Saying No! (anti-candida, gluten free)
Lexie’s Kitchen (Gluten Free, allergy-friendly)
Life as a Plate (Gluten Free, Real Food, Sugar Free)
Living Free (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free)
My Real Food Life (Gluten Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free)
The Mommy Bowl (dairy free,  gluten free)
N = 1 (Grain Free, Sugar Free)
One Frugal Foodie (dairy free)
Pure2Raw (Gluten Free, often vegan)
She Let Them Eat Cake (Gluten Free)
Wheatless and Meatless (vegetarian, GF)
Without Adornment (Gluten Free)
Z’s Cup of Tea (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)

Demuth’s (vegetarian resto blog with recipes)
Replenish PDX (fabulous website from Holistic Health counselor Andrea Nakayama)